Hamiltonian 2 group action on symplectic orbifolds and reduction
题目:Hamiltonian 2 group action on symplectic orbifolds and reduction
摘要:Symplectic reduction on symplectic manifolds is defined for Hamiltonian group actions. It has important physics backgrounds and is an operation in symplectic world in the sene that a (regular) reduction preserves symplectic objects.
On the other hand, the regular reduction of a symplectic manifold is a symplectic orbifold. It is a natural question to ask what objects should be included in symplectic "category " such that it is closed under symplectic reduction.
It turns out symplectic reductions of Hamiltonian group actions on orbifolds are orbifolds. This seems answer the question. However, this is a fake answer since the natural Hamiltonian action on otbifolds is no longer groups,
and the reduction will produce a symplectic 2-groupoid. (Note manifold/orbifold is treated as a 0/1 groupoid. ) I will explain this scenery in this talk. This is based on the joint work with Cheng-Yong Du and Fengyu Jiang.
联系人:张振雷 孙善忠