
Hybrid of Gradient Descent and Semidefinite Programming for Certifying Multipartite Entanglement Structure


Kai Wu, Zhihua Chen, Zhen-Peng Xu, Zhihao Ma, Shao-Ming Fei


Hybrid of Gradient Descent and Semidefinite Programming for Certifying Multipartite Entanglement Structure


Advanced Quantum Technologies 
(2024) 2400443


Abstract: We study genuine multipartite entanglement (GME) and multipartite k-entanglement
based on q-concurrence. Well-defined parameterized GME measures and measures of multipartite
k-entanglement are presented for arbitrary dimensional n-partite quantum systems. Our GME
measures show that the GHZ state is more entangled than the W state. Moreover, our measures are
shown to be inequivalent to the existing measures according to entanglement ordering. Detailed
examples show that our measures characterize the multipartite entanglement finer than some existing
measures, in the sense that our measures identify the difference of two different states while the
latter fail.
