Bounding Levi-flat hypersurfaces in Stein manifolds
题目:Bounding Levi-flat hypersurfaces in Stein manifolds
摘要:Let M be a smooth real codimension two compact submanifold in a Stein manifold. I will explain the following theorem: Suppose that M has two elliptic complex tangents and suppose CR points are non-minimal. Assume further that M is contained in a bounded strongly pseudoconvex domain. Then M bounds a unique smooth up to M Levi flat hypersurface M that is foliated by Stein subspace diffeomorphic to the ball. Moreover, M is the hull of holomorphy of M. Time permitting, I will discuss the generalization (in progress) to the cases with hyperbolic CR singularities. This talk is based on the joint work with Hanlong Fan, Xiaojun Huang, and Wanke Yin.