

  • 职称(Positional titles):

  • 教授

  • 所在部门(Department):

  • 概率统计教研室

  • 研究方向(Research direction):

  • 生存分析、应用统计

  • 办公室(Office):

  • 教二楼 717

  • E-mail :

  • hutao AT cnu.edu.cn

  • 个人主页(Personal home page):

个人简介 论文出版物 获奖情况 Personal profile

胡涛,男,首都师范大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师。研究方向为生存分析、应用统计,2009年毕业于北京师范大学数学科学学院,获概率论与数理统计专业博士学位。美国University of Missouri 统计系博士后。2009年3月至2012.12月先后在新加坡国立大学统计与应用概率系、南洋理工大学数学与物理学院任 Research Assistant 和Research Fellow。首都师范大学青年自然科学创新团队带头人,入选北京市优秀人才培养资助青年拔尖个人,入选北京市市属高校高水平教师队伍建设支持计划青年拔尖人才,入选首都师范大学燕京青年学者培养对象。

1.Du, M., Hu, Tao, & Sun, J. Semiparametric probit model for informative current status data. Statistics in medicine. 38, 2019,2219-2227.(Corresponding author, SCI , JCR STATISTICS & PROBABILITY Q1)
2.Han, Q., Hao, Z., Hu, Tao*, Chu, F. Non-parametric models for joint probabilistic distributions of wind speed and direction data. Renewable Energy, 2018, 126, 1032-1042.( Corresponding author, SCI, JCR ENERGY & FUELS Q1 )
3.Zhou, Q., Hu, Tao, Sun, J. A Sieve Semiparametric Maximum Likelihood Approach for Regression Analysis of Bivariate Interval-Censored Failure Time Data. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 112 (2017), 664-672. (SCI,统计学top杂志)
4.Ma, L., Hu, Tao, Sun, J. Sieve maximum likelihood regression analysis of dependent current status data. Biometrika 102 (3), 2015, 731-738. (Equally contributed,SCI, 统计学top杂志)


Hu Tao is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Capital Normal University, and a researcher on survival analysis and wind energy data analysis. He graduated from the School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing Normal University in 2009 with a PhD in probability and statistics, and was a postdoc in the Department of Statistics, University of Missouri, USA. From March 2009 to December 2012, he served as a research assistant and research fellow in the Department of Statistics and Applied Probability, National University of Singapore and in the School of Mathematics and Physics, Nanyang Technological University, respectively. He is leading the Youth Team for Natural Science Innovation of Capital Normal University and has been selected as Young Top Individual of Beijing Municipal Outstanding Talent Training and Funding, Young Top Talent of Beijing Municipal High-level College Teachers Development Support Program, and Candidates to be Trained as Young Yanjing Scholars of Capital Normal University.