

  • 职称(Positional titles):

  • 教授

  • 所在部门(Department):

  • 代数教研室

  • 研究方向(Research direction):

  • 组合数学、信息安全

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  • 教二楼 603

  • E-mail :

  • gnge AT zju.edu.cn

  • 个人主页(Personal home page):

  • http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~drzhangx/group-chn/default.html

个人简介 论文出版物 教学经历 科研项目及会议 获奖情况 Personal profile

葛根年,首都师范大学特聘教授,教育部长江学者、国家杰青、国家百千万人才、北京学者。长期从事组合数学、编码理论、信息安全、压缩感知、数据科学等数学与信息交叉科学研究。迄今共发表SCI论文200余篇,并被SCI他引2000余次,其中:60余篇发表在国际组合数学及信息学领域内顶尖刊物 《Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A》、《Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B》、《SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics》、《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》及《IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing》上。自2014年爱思唯尔(Elsevier)发布“中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)”榜单以来,一直进入榜单。同时,入选美国斯坦福大学发布的“2020全球前2%顶尖科学家(World's Top 2% Scientists 2020)”榜单、美国数学会发布的“高被引数学家(Most cited mathematicians)”榜单。现任中国数学会组合数学与图论专业委员会主任、国际组合数学及其应用协会“Medals Committee Member”(全球共3人)。目前受邀担任国际组合数学界顶尖SCI期刊《Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A》、国际信息理论界顶尖SCI期刊《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、国际编码密码界权威SCI期刊《Designs, Codes and Cryptography》、国际组合设计界权威SCI期刊《Journal of Combinatorial Designs》、国际代数组合界权威SCI期刊《Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics》、国内权威SCI期刊《中国科学:数学》、国内SCI期刊《高校应用数学学报》的编委。曾获国际组合数学及其应用协会颁发的“Hall Medal”、中国青年科技奖、教育部自然科学二等奖、浙江省科学技术二等奖。

1.Yu Ning, Zuo Ye, Xiande Zhang, Gennian Ge, Fuyou Miao and Yan Xiong, New Results on Self-Dual Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 67 (2021), 7240-7252.
2.Xiangliang Kong, Xin Wang and Gennian Ge, New Constructions of Optimal Locally Repairable Codes with Super-Linear Length, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 67 (2021), 6491-6506.
3.Tao Zhang and Gennian Ge, On the codegree density of PG_{m}(q), SIAM J. Discrete Math. 35 (2021), 1548-1556.
4.Xiangliang Kong, Xin Wang and Gennian Ge, New bounds and constructions for constant weighted X-codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 67 (2021), 2181-2191.
5.Wenjun Yu, Xiande Zhang and Gennian Ge, Optimal Fraction Repetition Codes for Access-Balancing in Distributed Storage, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 67 (2021), 1630-1640.
6.Gennian Ge and Chong Shangguan, Sparse hypergraphs: new bounds and constructions, J. Combin. Theory (B) 147 (2021), 96-132.
7.Zixiang Xu and Gennian Ge, Erd\H{o}s-Falconer distance problem under Hamming metric in vector spaces over finite fields, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 34 (2020), 2208-2220.
8.Gennian Ge, Yifan Jing, Zixiang Xu and Tao Zhang, Color isomorphic even cycles and a related Ramsey problem, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 34 (2020), 1999-2008.
9.Zuo Ye, Tao Zhang, Xiande Zhang and Gennian Ge, Some New Results on Splitter Sets, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 66 (2020), 2765-2776.
10.Jingxue Ma and Gennian Ge, Optimal binary linear locally repairable codes with disjoint repair groups, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 33 (2019), 2509-2529.
11.Yiwei Zhang, Xin Wang, Hengjia Wei and Gennian Ge, On private information retrieval array codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 65 (2019), 5565-5573.
12.Tao Zhang and Gennian Ge, On the Nonexistence of Perfect Splitter Sets, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 64 (2018), 6561-6566.
13.Chong Shangguan, Yiwei Zhang and Gennian Ge, Centralized coded caching schemes: A hypergraph theoretical approach, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 64 (2018), 5755-5766.
14.Lijun Ji, Baokun Ding, Xin Wang and Gennian Ge, Asymptotically Optimal Optical Orthogonal Signature Pattern Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 64 (2018), 5419-5431.
15.Tao Zhang, Xiande Zhang and Gennian Ge, Splitter Sets and $k$-Radius Sequences, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 63 (2017), 7633-7645.
16.Chong Shangguan, Xin Wang, Gennian Ge and Ying Miao, New Bounds For Frameproof Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 63 (2017), 7247-7252.
17.Shuxing Li, Cunsheng Ding, Maosheng Xiong and Gennian Ge, Narrow-Sense BCH Codes over GF (q) with Length n=\frac{q^m-1}{q-1}, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 63 (2017), 7219-7236.
18.Tao Zhang and Gennian Ge, Perfect and Quasi-Perfect Codes under the l_{p} Metric, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 63 (2017), 4325-4331.
19.Yiting Yang, Yiwei Zhang and Gennian Ge, New lower bounds for secure codes and related hash families: A hypergraph theoretical approach, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 63 (2017), 2446-2453.
20.Chong Shangguan and Gennian Ge, New bounds on the number of tests for disjunct matrices, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 62 (2016), 7518-7521.
21.Chong Shangguan and Gennian Ge, Separating hash families: A Johnson-type bound and new constructions, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 30 (2016), 2243-2264.
22.Tao Zhang and Gennian Ge, Quantum Codes Derived from Certain Classes of Polynomials, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 62 (2016), 6638-6643.
23.Xin Wang, Hengjia Wei, Chong Shangguan and Gennian Ge, New bounds and constructions for multiply constant-weight codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 62 (2016), 6315-6327.
24.Yiwei Zhang and Gennian Ge, Snake-in-the-Box Codes for Rank Modulation under Kendall's $\tau$-Metric in S_{2n+2}, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 62 (2016), 4814-4818.
25.Maosheng Xiong, Shuxing Li and Gennian Ge, The Weight Hierarchy of Some Reducible Cyclic Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 62 (2016), 4071-4080.
26.Tao Zhang and Gennian Ge, New Results on Codes Correcting Single Error of Limited Magnitude for Flash Memory, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 62 (2016), 4494-4500.
27.Shuxing Li, Maosheng Xiong and Gennian Ge, Pseudo-cyclic Codes and the Construction of Quantum MDS Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 62 (2016), 1703-1710.
28.Yiwei Zhang and Gennian Ge, Snake-in-the-Box Codes for Rank Modulation under Kendall's $\tau$-Metric, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 62 (2016), 151-158.
29.Tao Zhang and Gennian Ge, Some New Classes of Quantum MDS Codes from Constacyclic Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 61 (2015), 5224-5228.
30.Tao Zhang and Gennian Ge, Fourth Power Residue Double Circulant Self-Dual Codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 61 (2015), 4243-4252.
31.Fei Gao and Gennian Ge, New Bounds on Separable Codes for Multimedia Fingerprinting, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 60 (2014), 5257-5262.
32.Shuxing Li, Tao Feng and Gennian Ge, On the Weight Distribution of Cyclic Codes with Niho Exponents, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 60 (2014), 3903-3912.
33.Shuxing Li and Gennian Ge, Deterministic Construction of Sparse Sensing Matrices via Finite Geometry, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 62 (2014), 2850-2859.
34.Tao Zhang, Shuxing Li, Tao Feng and Gennian Ge, Some New Results on the Cross Correlation of m-sequences, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 60 (2014), 3062-3068.
35.Shuxing Li and Gennian Ge, Deterministic Sensing Matrices Arising from Near Orthogonal Systems, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 60 (2014), 2291-2302.
36.Cuiling Fan and Gennian Ge, A Unified Approach to Whiteman's and Ding-Helleseth's Generalized Cyclotomy over Residue Class Rings, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 60 (2014), 1326-1336.
37.Shuxing Li, Sihuang Hu, Tao Feng and Gennian Ge, The Weight Distribution of a Class of Cyclic Codes Related to Hermitian Forms Graphs, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 59 (2013), 3064-3067.
38.Fei Gao, Yiting Yang and Gennian Ge, An improvement to Gilbert-Varshamov bound for permutation codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 59 (2013), 3059-3063.
39.Hui Zhang and Gennian Ge, Optimal Quaternary Constant-Weight Codes with Weight Four and Distance Five, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 59 (2013), 1617-1629.
40.Mingzhi Zhu and Gennian Ge, Quaternary Constant-Composition Codes with Weight 4 and Distances 5 or 6, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 58 (2012), 6012-6022.
41.Shuxing Li, Fei Gao, Gennian Ge and Shengyuan Zhang, Deterministic Construction of Compressed Sensing Matrices via Algebraic Curves, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 58 (2012), 5035-5041.
42.Hui Zhang, Xiande Zhang and Gennian Ge, Optimal Ternary Constant-Weight Codes with Weight Four and Distance Five, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 58 (2012), 2706-2718.
43.Fei Gao and Gennian Ge, A Complete Generalization of Clatworthy Group Divisible Designs, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 25 (2011), 1547-1561.
44.Fei Gao and Gennian Ge, Optimal Ternary Constant-Composition Codes of Weight Four and Distance Five, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 57 (2011), 3742-3757.
45.Hui Zhang and Gennian Ge, Optimal Ternary Constant-Weight Codes of Weight Four and Distance Six, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 56 (2010), 2188-2203.
46.Gennian Ge, Dawei Huang and Ying Miao, Monotonic Directed Designs, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 24 (2010), 218-238.
47.Yeow Meng Chee, Gennian Ge and Alan C.H. Ling, Spectrum of Sizes for Perfect Deletion-Correcting Codes, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 24 (2010), 33-55.
48.Rucong Zhang, Gennian Ge, Alan C.H. Ling, Hung-Lin Fu and Yukiyasu Mutoh, The Existence of r×4 Grid-Block Designs with r=3,4, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 23 (2009), 1045-1062.
49.Gennian Ge, Ying Miao and Xiande Zhang, On block sequences of Steiner quadruple systems with error correcting consecutive unions, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 23 (2009), 940-958.
50.Gennian Ge, Ying Miao and Zhongxiang Yao, Optimal Frequency Hopping Sequences: Auto- and Cross-Correlation Properties, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 55 (2009), 867-879.
51.Charles J. Colbourn, Hung-Lin Fu, Gennian Ge, Alan C.H. Ling and Hui-Chuan Lu, Minimizing SONET ADMs in Unidirectional WDM Rings with Grooming Ratio 7, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 23 (2008), 109-122.
52.Yeow Meng Chee, Gennian Ge and Alan C.H. Ling, Group Divisible Codes and Their Application in the Construction of Optimal Constant-Composition Codes of Weight Three, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 54 (2008), 3552-3564.
53.Gennian Ge, Alan C.H. Ling and Ying Miao, A Systematic Construction for Radar Arrays, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 54 (2008), 410-414.
54.Gennian Ge and Alan C.H. Ling, On the existence of (K5-e)-designs with application to optical networks, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21 (2007), 851-864.
55.Gennian Ge, Triplewhist tournaments with the three person property, J. Combin. Theory (A) 114 (2007), 1438-1455.
56.Gennian Ge, General frame constructions for Z-cyclic triplewhist tournaments, J. Combin. Theory (A) 114 (2007), 747-760.
57.Gennian Ge, Ryoh Fuji-Hara and Ying Miao, Further Combinatorial Constructions for Optimal Frequency-Hopping Sequences, J. Combin. Theory (A) 113 (2006), 1699-1718.
58.Gennian Ge, E. R. Lamken and Alan C.H. Ling, Scheduling CCRR Tournaments, J. Combin. Theory (A) 113 (2006), 352-379.
59.Jean-Claude Bermond, Charles J. Colbourn, David Coudert, Gennian Ge, Alan C.H. Ling and Xavier Mu{\~{n}}oz, Traffic Grooming in Unidirectional WDM rings with Grooming Ratio C=6, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19 (2005), 523-542.
60.Gennian Ge, Ying Miao and Lihua Wang, Combinatorial constructions for optimal splitting authentication codes, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 18 (2005), 663-678.
61.Gennian Ge and Alan C.H. Ling, A systematic approach to some block design constructions, J. Combin. Theory (A) 108 (2004), 89-97.
62.K. T. Fang and G. Ge, A sensitive algorithm for detecting the inequivalence of Hadamard matrices, Math. Comput. 73 (2004), 843-851.
63.G. Ge and C. W. H. Lam, Some new triplewhist tournaments TWh(v), J. Combin. Theory (A) 101 (2003), 153-159.
64.G. Ge, R.S. Rees and L. Zhu, Group-divisible designs with block size four and group-type gum1 with m as large or as small as possible, J. Combin. Theory (A) 98 (2002), 357-376.
65.Gennian Ge and Jianxing Yin, Constructions for optimal (v, 4, 1) optical orthogonal codes, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 47 (2001), 2998-3004.



张先得(浙江大学2009):中国科技大学特任教授,教育部青年长江。曾获Kirkman奖,现任国际信息理论界顶尖SCI期刊《IEEE Transactions on Information Theory》、国际组合设计界权威SCI期刊《Journal of Combinatorial Designs》编委。
高斐(浙江大学2013):新加坡科技研究局高性能计算研究院Senior Scientist。曾获教育部“博士研究生学术新人奖”、“国家奖学金”、“省级优秀毕业生”荣誉称号。

2020.12-2025.11: 国家重点研发计划“变革性技术关键科学问题”重点专项2020YFA0712100子课题: DNA存储中的组合模型与编码理论
2020.1-2023.12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目11971325,面向大数据与网络通信的几类离散构型
2016.1-2019.12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目61571310,信息可靠存储与传输及安全保护中几类编码研究
2015.1-2019.12: 国家自然科学基金重点项目11431003,面向信息的组合学理论和方法 (参加,排名第一)
2012.1-2015.12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目61171198,通信理论中若干组合编码问题研究
2008.1-2010.12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目10771193,信息科学中若干组合构形研究
2005.1-2007.12: 国家自然科学基金面上项目10471127,可分组设计及其相关课题研究
2001.1-2003.12: 国家自然科学基金青年项目10001026,可分解设计及可划分四元系

2017年: 北京学者
2016年: 科技北京百名领军人才
2013年: 北京市高层次人才
2012年: 全国优秀科技工作者(第五届)
2011年: 浙江省优秀科技工作者
2011年:浙江省高校科研成果奖 (一等奖)
2010年: 国务院政府特殊津贴
2009年: 教育部长江学者特聘教授
2008年: 国家杰出青年科学基金
2008年: 浙江省“新世纪151人才工程”第一层次培养人员
2008年:浙江省高校科研成果奖 (一等奖)
2007年: 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者
2007年: Hall Medal(国际组合数学及其应用协会颁发)
2007年:教育部高等学校科学技术奖 (自然科学奖二等奖)
2006年: 浙江省“新世纪151人才工程”第二层次培养人员
2006年:浙江省高校科研成果奖 (一等奖)
2005年: 浙江省杰出青年科学基金
2004年:第七届全国统计科学研究优秀成果奖 (二等奖)

Gennian Ge is a full professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Capital Normal University, Beijing, P. R. China. His research interests include combinatorics, coding theory, information security, and their interactions.
Dr. Ge is on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Journal of Combinatorial Theory (Series A), Designs Codes and Cryptography, Journal of Combinatorial Designs, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, Science China Mathematics. He received the 2006 Hall Medal from the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications. He received the National Outstanding Youth Award from the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2008, and Cheung Kong Scholar's Program Specially-appointed Professorship from the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China in 2009.