

  • 职称(Positional titles):

  • 副教授

  • 所在部门(Department):

  • 分析教研室

  • 研究方向(Research direction):

  • 泛函分析

  • 办公室(Office):

  • 教二楼 503

  • E-mail :

  • liml AT cnu.edu.cn

  • 个人主页(Personal home page):

个人简介 论文出版物 教学经历 科研项目及会议 获奖情况 Personal profile


1. Tingfu Wang, Zhongrui Shi , Minli Li, On the U and WU points of Orlicz function spaces, Functions et Approximation, XXIII (1994),41-58.
2. Tingfu Wang,Cuixia Hao, Minli Li, On the WM points of Orlics function spaces endowed with Luxemburg norm, Revista Mathematica, 8(2)(1995),327-342.
3. Tingfu Wang, Baoxiang Wang, Minli Li, -coefficient of Orlicz sequence spaces, Colloquium Mathematicum, LXIX(2)(1995),179-186.
4. Li Minli, Li Bingren, Abelian real W*-algebras, ACTA MATH SINICA, 1998, 14(1), 85-90.
5. 李炳仁,李民丽,Banach * 代数,数学学报, 1998, 41(3), 553-562.
6. Minli Li, Tingfu Wang, Continuity of the metric projection in Orlicz space, ANNALES SOC. MATH. POLONAE, Series I: COMMENTATIONES MATHEMATICAE, 1999, XXXIX, 109-117.
7. Tingfu Wang, Donghai Ji, Minli Li, U-Points and quasi-U-points in Orlicz function spaces, FASCICULI MATHEMATICI, 1999, Nr 29, 149-166
8. 李民丽,王保祥,王廷辅,Orlicz 序列空间的强暴露点, 数学学报, 1999, 42(4), 645-648.
9. Li Zhongyan ,Li Minli, On Two Gelfand-Mazur Type Theorems,应用泛函分析学报,2002, 4(4), 317-320.
10. 李忠艳,李民丽,C*-代数的实完全等距映射,数学学报,2004,47(1),67-70
11. 李民丽, 邓文生,梁昭峰等,Web型协作仿真实验系统的设计,计算机工程,2004.30(10),35-37.
12. ZHAO Wei-Zhong,LI Min-Li,QI Yu-Hai and Wu Ke, Modified Heisenberg Ferromagnet Model and Integrable Equation, Commun.Theor. Phys. (Beijing,China), 2005, 44(3), 415-418.
13. 李忠艳,李民丽,实厄米Banach*-代数,应用泛函分析学报,2006,8(1),83-89.
14. 李民丽, 李忠艳,具有连续对合运算的实Banach*代数的Jordan结构,数学学报,2006,49(3),699-702.
15. Li Zhongyan ,Li Minli, Homomorphisms in a direct sum of full matrix algebras ,Dynamics of Continuous,
Discrete and Impulsive Systems,2007,14(S1),677-681.
16. XIE Tao and LI Min-Li,Covariant prolongation structure of Konno-Asai-Kakuhata equation, Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing,China) 2008,50(3),565-567.
17. Z.W Yan, M.L. Li, K. Wu and W.Z. Zhao, Integrable deformations of Heisenberg supermagnetic model, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2010, 53(1):21-24.
18. Dengming,LiMinli,Covariant Prolongation Structure of Coupled Inhomogeneous Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation,Commun. Theror. Phys.,2010,53(2):218-222.
19. Z.W. Yan, M.L. Li, K Wu and W.Z. Zhao, Fermionic covariant prolongation structure theory for multidimensional super nonlinear evolution equation, J. Math. Phys., 2013, 54: 033506,1-8 .
20. C.H. Zhang, X.Y. Jia, M.L. Li, K. Wu and W.Z. Zhao, On triple product and rational solutions of Yang-Baxter equation, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2014, 62(1):1-4.
21. Zhigang Yin, Lu Yu,MinLi Li*,On a supersymmetric nonlinear integrable equation in (2+1)dimensions, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Vol.22,No.2(2015)204-209。
22. X.L. Wang, J.Q. Mei, M.L. Li and Z.W. Yan*, On generalized Lax equations of the Lax triple of BKP and CKP hierarchies, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys., 2017, 24(2): 171-182.
23. Zhao-Wen Yan*, Xiao-Li Wang, Min-Li Li, Fermionic Covariant Prolongation Structure for a Super Nonlinear Evolution Equation in 2+1 Dimensions, CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 2017, 34(7): 070203
24. Rui Wang, Shao-Qui Yao, Min-Li Li , Ke Wu and Wei-Zhong Zhao, On deformations of the Witt n-algebra,Journal of Mathematical Physics 59,103504,2018,103504-1,SCI.
25. Correlators in the β-deformed Gaussian Hermitian and complex matrix models,Ying Chen, Bei Kang, Min-Li Li ,Li-Fang Wang and Chun-Hong Zhang,International Journal of Modern Physics A,Vol. 34 (2019) 1950221


1. 随机流与实算子代数中的概率问题(2002.1-2004.6),北京市自然基金,主持.
2. 算子理论与变分问题及其对微分方程的应用(2002.4-2005.3),北京市教委基金,主持.
3. 算子代数与相关的概率问题,北京市优秀人才培养资助, 2002-2003.12,主持。
4. 临界点理论中几个重要问题(2006.1-2008.12),国家自然基金,参加.
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 10975102, 推广的协变延拓结构理论及其应用, 2010/01-2012/12, 参加。
6. 北京自然科学基金面上项目,拟行列式和达布变换在非交换可积系统中的应用,2010/01-2012/12, 参加。
7. 2010年1月-2012年12月, 北京市教委项目“人才强教深化计划-中青年骨干人才(105312022)”, 主持。
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11271266, 拟行列式在一类广义非交换可积系统中的应用, 2013/01-2016/12,参加。
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11375119, 无穷维3-代数和Nambu力学中一些问题的研究, 2014/01-2017/12, 参加
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 118751194, 无穷维n-代数及其应用, 2019/01-2022/12, 参加。


Li Minli ,female,mastertutor,associate professor at school of mathematics,Capital Normal University ,doctor from Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
research direction: functional analysis
Office: Room 503,the second teaching-building,main campus,Capital Normal University.
e-mail: liml@cnu.edu.cn.