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邹国华,首都师范大学特聘教授。博士毕业于中国科学院系统科学研究所,是国家杰出青年基金获得者、“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选、中国科学院“百人计划”入选者、享受国务院政府特殊津贴,曾获中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师称号。 主要从事统计学的理论研究及其在经济金融、生物医学中的应用研究工作,在统计模型选择与平均、抽样调查的设计与分析、决策函数的优良性、疾病与基因的关联分析等方面的研究中取得了一系列重要成果,得到了国内外同行的好评与肯定,并被广泛引用。共出版教材2本,在《中国科学》(5篇)、Biometrika(2篇)、JASA(4篇)、Journal of Econometrics(7篇)、Genetics(3篇)、INFORMS Journal on Computing(1篇)等国内外顶级期刊上发表学术论文120余篇。主持或参加过近30项国家科学基金项目以及全国性的实际课题,提出的预测方法被实际部门所采用。现任或曾任国际统计学会推举委员、多个国内学会或其分会的常务理事/副理事长/副会长、多个国内外期刊的副主编、编委以及丛书编委。

1、 邹国华、宗先鹏(2021).《社会调查与数据分析》,人民教育出版社,北京。
2、 刘胜楠、刘文君、邹国华*(2022). 基于倾向值匹配的干扰数据检测方法。《系统科学与数学》,42(1):153-174.
3、 Liao Jun, Wan A.T.K., He Shuyuan and Zou Guohua (2022). Optimal model averaging for multivariate regression models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 189: 104858.
4、 Liao Jun, Zou Guohua*, Gao Yan and Zhang Xinyu (2021). Model averaging prediction for time series models with a diverging number of parameters. Journal of Econometrics, 223(1): 190-221.
5、 Nelson B.L., Wan A.T.K., Zou Guohua, Zhang Xinyu and Jiang Xi (2021). Reducing simulation input-model risk via input model averaging. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33(2): 672-684. *This paper is selected as the Feature Paper of the journal.
6、 Zhu Rong, Zhang Xinyu, Ma Yanyuan and Zou Guohua (2021). Model averaging estimation for high-dimensional covariance matrix with a network structure. Econometrics Journal, 24(1): 177-197.
7、 Li Xinmin, Zou Guohua, Zhang Xinyu and Zhao Shangwei (2021). Least squares model averaging based on generalized cross validation. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 37(3): 495-509.
8、 Zhang Xinyu, Zou Guohua, Liang Hua and Carroll R. J. (2020). Parsimonious model averaging with a diverging number of parameters. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115(530): 972-984.
9、 Zhang Haili and Zou Guohua* (2020). Cross-validation model averaging for generalized functional linear model. Econometrics, 8(1): 7. **This paper is selected as the Feature Paper and highlighted on the Front Page of MDPI.com.
10、 Zhao Zhihao and Zou Guohua* (2020). Average estimation of semiparametric models for high-dimensional longitudinal data. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 33(6): 2013-2047.
11、 Liao Jun and Zou Guohua* (2020). Corrected Mallows criterion for model averaging. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 144: 106902.
12、 Liao Jun, Zong Xianpeng, Zhang Xinyu and Zou Guohua* (2019). Model averaging based on leave-subject-out cross-validation for vector autoregressions. Journal of Econometrics, 209(1): 35-60.
13、 Zhu Rong, Wan A.T.K., Zhang Xinyu and Zou Guohua (2019). A Mallows-type model averaging estimation for varying-coefficient partially linear models. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114(526): 882-892.
14、 Liao Jun, Zou Guohua* and Gao Yan (2019). Spatial Mallows model averaging for geostatistical models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 47(3): 336-351.
15、 Zong Xianpeng, Zhu Rong and Zou Guohua (2019). Improved Horvitz- Thompson estimator in survey sampling. Survey Methodology, 45(1): 165-184.
16、 Gao Yan, Zhang Xinyu, Wang Shouyang, Chong T.T.L. and Zou Guohua (2019). Frequentist model averaging for threshold models. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 71(2): 275-306.
17、 Zhu Rong, Zou Guohua* and Zhang Xinyu (2018). Model averaging for multivariate multiple regression models. Statistics, 52(1): 205-227.
18、 朱容,邹国华,张新雨(2018). 部分函数线性模型的模型平均方法,《系统科学与数学》,38(7):777-800.
19、 朱容,邹国华* (2018). 半参数模型平均估计的渐近理论,《中国科学:数学》,48(8): 1019-1052.
20、 邹国华(2018). 抽样方法,《医学统计学手册》第11章,方积乾主编,中国统计出版社,北京。


(1) 面向医学领域数据标准化标注的数学理论与方法研究,北京市自然科学基金重点研究专项,2021年8月-2025年8月,主要成员。
(2) 超高维稀疏结构数据的统计分析,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2021年-2025年,主要成员。
(3) 复杂数据多重真伪性检验与抗干扰学习,科技委项目,2019年6月-2022年6月,子课题负责人。
(4) 大数据统计分析的模型平均方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2020年-2023年,主持。
(5) 基于宏观模型的粮食需求预测研究,中国科学院重点部署项目(前沿科学类),2017年-2018年,主要成员。
(6) 全空间信息系统建模理论,科技部国家重点研发计划,2016年-2021年,子课题负责人。
(7) 超复杂数据的建模、推断及应用,国家自然科学基金委员会海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(延续),2016年-2019年,主要成员(中方主持人)。
(8) 生物医学数据统计分析的方法、理论与应用,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2014年-2018年,主要成员。
(1) 2016.6, Qingdao, China, ICSA China Statistics Conference,国际会议/大会报告, Frequentist model averaging with dependent data.
(2) 2018.6, Hong Kong, China, The 2nd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics, 国际会议/邀请报告, Corrected Mallows model averaging approach.
(3) 2019.6, Haerbin, China, Lilac International Conference on Application of Statistics,国际会议/大会报告, Model averaging prediction for time series models with a diverging number of parameters.
(4) 2019.12, Hangzhou,China, The 11th ICSA International Conference,国际会议/邀请报告, On the asymptotic distribution of model averaging based on information criterion.
(5) 2019.12, Xiamen, China, Symposium on Modern Statistics of Xiamen University, 国际会议/大会报告, Model averaging prediction for time series models with a diverging number of parameters.

Guohua Zou, Full Professor at the Capital Normal University. Guohua completed his PhD in Statistics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His main areas of interest are statistical model averaging, survey sampling, statistical decision theory and statistical genetics. He has co-authored 2 books, and published more than 120 research articles. He has been awarded the Outstanding Youth Grant by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the excellent supervisor prize by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.