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  • 几何与拓扑教研室

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个人简介 论文出版物 教学经历 科研项目及会议 Personal profile

胥世成,男,首都师范大学数学科学学院副教授,博士生导师。博士师从美国Rutgers大学、首都师范大学特聘教授戎小春。近几年来一直从事度量黎曼几何领域的学习与研究,包括黎曼几何、黎曼流形的收敛和坍缩、Alexandrov 空间几何、Cheeger-Colding 理论、以及几何不等式等几何分析的相关方向,主要关注流形的曲率与拓扑等课题。主要的研究成果包括:(1) 与人合作,得到了Perelman-Cheeger-Colding微分球定理对应的双曲版本:对于Ricci曲率有一致负下界、直径有一致上界的流形, 其体积熵几乎极大,当且仅当该流形微分同胚且Gromov-Hausdorff接近于某个双曲流形。(2) 与人合作,改进了Perelman-Cheeger-Colding的微分球定理: 一个Ricci曲率具有正下界的流形微分同胚且Gromov-Hausdorff接近于某个非单连通球形式空间,当且仅当其万有覆叠空间上具有一致半径的度量球体积达到几乎极大。(3) 与人合作,得到了Gromov的几乎平坦流形定理在Ricci曲率下成立的充要条件,证明:Ricci曲率有下界,局部覆叠几何有界,直径充分小的流形必微分同胚于infra-幂零流形。(4) 与人合作,改进了Cheeger-Fukaya-Gromov塌缩结构的局部相容性,证明:在截面曲率两边有界的情况下,如果两个Lipschitz等价度量具有相同的塌缩尺度和塌缩维数,则它们对应的幂零塌缩结构必同构。(5) 改进了黎曼流形上局部凸半径和单射半径估计,被Ki-Ahm Lee(ICM 45分钟报告人)与合作者数次应用于国际著名数学期刊Cal. Var. PDE上。研究论文分别发表在J. Diff. Geom., Adv. Math., Trans. AMS., IMRN 等国际著名权威学术期刊上。

1. Lina Chen, Xiaochun Rong; Shicheng Xu. Quantitative space form rigidity under lower Ricci curvature bound I, J. Differential Geometry, 113 (2019): 227-272
2. Hongzhi Huang; Lingling Kong; Xiaochun Rong; Shicheng Xu; Collapsed manifolds with Ricci bounded covering geometry, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2020, 373(11):8039-8057
3. Lina Chen, Xiaochun Rong; Shicheng Xu. Quantitative volume space form rigidity under lower Ricci curvature bound II. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2018, 370(6): 4509-4523.
4. Zuohai Jiang; Shicheng Xu. Stability of Pure Nilpotent Structures on Collapsed Manifolds, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2020, 2020(24): 10317-10345
5. Shicheng Xu. Local estimate on convexity radius and decay of injectivity radius in a Riemannian manifold. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2018, 20 (6), 1750060, 19 pp.
6. Shicheng Xu; Xuchao Yao; Margulis lemma and Hurewicz fibration theorem on Alexandrov spaces, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 2021, 0-2150048

2018年9月-2019年7月,高等数学A-1, 高等数学A-2,地信国际学院本科生

1. 2019年1月-2024年12月,流形的几何与拓扑,国家自然科学基金,创新群体项目子项目
2. 2019年1月-2022年12月,Ricci曲率有界流形的几何与拓扑,国家自然科学基金,面上项目
3. 2019年10月-2023年12月,子流形与亚历山大空间的几何拓扑,北京市重点研究专题子项目(首师大负责人)
4. 2015年1月-2018年12月;2019年1月-2021年12月,首都师范大学人才计划第一批、第三批,青年燕京学者培育对象
5. 2015年1月-2017年12月,正截面曲率1/2最大半径球上的微分结构和几何刚性,国家自然科学基金,青年基金项目

1. 2021 Oct. 5-6,北京国际数学研究中心,Total squared mean curvature of immersed submanifolds in a negatively curved space (会议报告),北京几何日
2. 2020 Dec. 19- 20,厦门大学天元东南数学中心,Recognizing shape of a hypersurface via 1st eigenvalue, mean curvature (会议报告),东南几何分析联合研讨会
3. 2018 Dec. 8-9,复旦大学,Quantitative rigidity for domains and immersed hypersurfaces in a Riemannian manifold (会议报告),Workshop on Spectral Geometry
4. 2018 May 19-20,清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心,Some progresses on a program of volume entropy and curvature bounds (会议报告),Geometric Analysis Workshop
5. 2017 Nov. 19-25,Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,德国,An introduction to Cheeger-Colding’s theory on manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded below by (n-1)H (会议报告),Oberwolfach Seminar: Lower Curvature Bounds and Topology
6. 2016 Feb. 22-24,复旦大学—上海数学中心,The geometry of almost maximal volume entropy (会议报告),Metric Geometry and Its Applications
7. 2012 Aug. 20-25,the Euler International Mathematical Institute,Almost Nilpotency of the fundamental groups of almost nonnegatively curved Alexandrov space (会议分组报告),The Fourth Geometry Meeting dedicated to the centenary of A.D.Alexandrov

Associated Professor Shicheng Xu, whose research interest lies in both classical topics in Differential Geometry and modern problems in Metric Riemannian Geometry, including rigidity of space forms in terms of curvature, collapsed structures on manifolds or Alexandrov spaces under (lower) bounded curvature, topology obstructions for certain curvature bounds, and sharp geometric inequalities in Riemannian manifolds. We proved the quantitative rigidity of maximal volume entropy for closed manifolds with negative lower Ricci curvature bounds, a hyperbolic space form differential rigidity that is parallel to Perelman-Cheeger- Colding's famous differential sphere theorem. In the case of positive lower Ricci curvature bounds, we improved Perelman-Cheeger-Colding differential sphere theorem to a quantitative rigidity on spherical space forms that can be arbitrary collapsed. We extended the famous theorem on almost flat manifolds by Gromov to closed manifolds with lower bounded Ricci curvature and local bounded covering geometry. This leads to a program initiated by the applicant and his collaborators to systematically study collapsed manifolds with local Ricci bounded covering geometry. These original works were accepted and published in the authoritative mathematics journals, including the most famous ones in the world such as J. Diff. Geom., Adv. Math., Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., IMRN, etc.