
  • 职称(Positional titles):

  • 副教授

  • 所在部门(Department):

  • 代数教研室

  • 研究方向(Research direction):

  • 代数组合

  • 办公室(Office):

  • 教二楼 704

  • E-mail :

  • xujingATcnu.edu.cn

  • 个人主页(Personal home page):

个人简介 论文出版物 教学经历 科研项目及会议 Personal profile


1. 近世代数初步, 徐竞 徐明曜编著 北京大学出版社 2020年7月.
2. M. Giudici and Jing Xu, All vertex-transitive locally-quasiprimitive graphs have a semiregular automorphism, J. Algebraic Combin. 25, (2007) 217-232.
3. Jing Xu, A classification of regular embeddings of hypercubes Q_{2m} with m odd, Science in China Series A: Mathematics Dec.,2007,Vol. 50, No.12, 1663-1669.
4. Jing Xu, Semiregular automorphisms of arc-transitive graphs with valency pq, European J.Combin 29 (2008) 622-629.
5. C. E. Praeger and J. Xu, A note on arc-transitive circulant digraphs, J. Group Theory 12 (2009) 107-117.
6. Jing Xu, On elusive permutation groups of squarefree degree, Communications in Algebra, 37 (2009), 3200 – 3206.
6. Jing Xu, Vertex transitive tournaments of order a product of two distinct primes. J. Group Theory. 13 (2010), 565-576.
8.Jing Xu,Metacirculant tournaments of order a product of two distinct primes,  Discrete Mathematics,311 (2011) 571–576.
9.J. Xu, C. H. Li, C. E. Praeger and M. Giudici, Invariant relations and Aschbacher classes of finite linear groups, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS 18 (2011), #P225
10.J.Xu, Circulant homogeneous factorisations of complete digraphs $K_{p^d}$ with p an odd prime, the electronic journal combinatorics 24(2) (2017), #P2.27.


2010-2012 主持国家青年科学基金“现代置换群理论及其在组合结构中的应用”
2014-2017 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“对称图及相关置换群闭包理论研究”

research areas: permutation groups, algebraic graphs.
Email address:xujing@cnu.edu.cn