
  • 职称(Positional titles):

  • 教授

  • 所在部门(Department):

  • 分析教研室

  • 研究方向(Research direction):

  • N-体问题、辛几何与辛拓扑、数学物理

  • 办公室(Office):

  • 教二楼 523

  • E-mail :

  • sunsz AT cnu.edu.cn

  • 个人主页(Personal home page):

  • https://shanzhong-sun.github.io/ShanzhongSUN/

个人简介 论文出版物 教学经历 科研项目及会议 Personal profile


(1) Long, Yiming; Sun, Shanzhong Four-body central configurations with some equal masses.Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 162 (2002), no. 1, 25-44.
(2)Long, Yiming; Sun, Shanzhong Collinear central configurations in celestial mechanics. Topological methods, variational methods and their applications (Taiyuan, 2002), 159-165,World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2003.
(3)Long, Yiming; Sun, Shanzhong Collinear central configurations and singular surfaces in the mass space. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 173 (2004), no. 2, 151-167.
(4)Albouy, Alain; Fu, Yanning; Sun, Shanzhong Symmetry of planar four-body convex central configurations. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 464 (2008), no. 2093,1355-1365.
(5)Hu, Xijun; Sun, Shanzhong Index and stability of symmetric periodic orbits in Hamiltonian systems with application to figure-eight orbit. Comm. Math. Phys. 290 (2009), no. 2,737-777.
(7)Hu, Xijun; Sun, Shanzhong Stability of relative equilibria and Morse index of central
configurations. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 347 (2009), no. 21-22, 1309-1312.
(8)Hu, Xijun; Sun, Shanzhong Morse index and stability of elliptic Lagrangian solutions in the planar three-body problem. Adv. Math. 223 (2010), no. 1, 98-119.
(9)Hu, Xijun; Sun, Shanzhong Morse index and the stability of closed geodesics.Sci. China Math. 53 (2010), no. 5, 1207-1212.
(10)Hu, Xijun; Sun, Shanzhong Variational principle and linear stability of periodic orbits in celestial mechanics. Progress in variational methods, 40-51, Nankai Ser. Pure Appl. Math.Theoret. Phys., 7, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2011.
(11)Hu, Xijun; Long, Yiming; Sun, Shanzhong Linear stability of elliptic Lagrangian solutions of the planar three-body problem via index theory. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 213 (2014),no. 3, 993-1045.
(12)Chen, Xiaojun; Her, Hai-Long; Sun, Shanzhong Lie bialgebra structure on cyclic
cohomology of Fukaya categories. Front. Math. China 10 (2015), no. 5, 1057-1085.
(13) Chen, Xiaojun; Her, Hai-Long; Sun, Shanzhong; Yang, Xiangdong A double Poisson algebra structure on Fukaya categories. J. Geom. Phys. 98 (2015), 57-76.
(14)Long, Yiming; Sun, Shanzhong The stability of the solar system: History and current states(in Chinese). Sci China Math, 46(2016), 605-613.
(15)Sun, Shanzhong Gutzwiller’s semiclassical trace formula and Maslov-type index theory for symplectic paths. J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 19 (2017), no. 1, 299-343.
(16)Li, Yong; Sauzin David; Sun, Shanzhong The Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula via
mould calculus. Letters in Math. Phys., Letters in Mathematical Physics 109(2019), 725–746.
(17)Huang Yonghong; Sun Shanzhong Non-embedding theorems of nilpotent Lie groups and
sub-Riemannian manifolds. Front. Math. China 15(2020), no. 1, 91-114.
(18)Sun Shanzhong; You Peng Monodromy of complexified planar Kepler problem (in Chinese). Sci Sin Math, 2022, 52: 257–268
(19)Chenciner Alain; Sauzin David; Sun Shanzhong; Wei Qiaoling Elliptic Fixed Points with an Invariant Foliation: Some Facts and More Questions, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 2022, Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 43–64.

2022.03-2022.07 形变量子化 研究生
2022.01-2022.07 数学分析 本科生
2022.01-2022.07 Resurgence and Modularity (with David Sauzin) 讨论班
2021.09-2022.01 Resurgence and Modularity (with David Sauzin) 研究生
2021.09-2022.01数学分析 本科生
2021.09-2022.01 形变量子化 研究生
2021.03-2021.07 Resurgence and Modularity(with David Sauzin) 研究生
2021.03-2021.07 形变量子化 研究生
2021.03-2021.07 动力系统 研究生
2020.09-2021.01 辛几何与辛拓扑 研究生
2020.09-2021.01 辛几何与数学物理(形变量子化) 研究生
2020.09-2021.01 Resurgence and Modulairty(with D. Sauzin) 讨论班
2020.09-2021.01 Representation theory of Quivers(with E. Farkhold) 研究生
2020.03-2020.07 黎曼曲面 研究生
2020.03-2020.07 Morse理论与拓扑 研究生
2020.03-2020.07 Representation theory of Quivers 研究生
2020.03-2020.07 Resurgence and Modularity 讨论班
2019.09-2020.01 Resurgence and Molularity 研究生
2019.03-2019.07 Floer同调 研究生
2019.03-2019.07 同调代数 研究生
2019.03-2019.07 黎曼曲面与Hitchin系统 研究生
2019.03-2019.07 微分几何 本科生
2018.09-2019.01 Hitchin系统、WKB和wall crossing 研究生
2018.09-2019.01 Morse理论与拓扑 研究生
2018.09-2019.01 天体力学(开普勒问题) 研究生
2018.03-2018.07 Riemann-Hilbert对应 研究生
2018.03-2018.07 天体力学(开普勒问题) 研究生
2017.09-2018.01 辛几何与辛拓扑 研究生
2017.09-2018.01 黎曼面(Hitchin系统、Character variety、Teichmuller空间) 研究生
2017.09-2018.01 动力系统(遍历性理论) 研究生
2017.09-2018.01 天体力学(开普勒问题) 研究生
2017.03-2017.07 微分几何 本科生
2017.03-2017.07 Morse理论与拓扑 研究生
2017.03-2017.07 Cluster代数与几何 研究生
2016.09-2017.01 解析几何 本科生
2016.09-2017.01 Morse理论与拓扑(Witten deformation) 研究生方向课
2016.09-2017.01 辛几何 研究生方向课
2016.09-2017.01 形变量子化 讨论班
2016.03-2016.07 经典力学中的数学方法 研究生方向课
2016.03-2016.07 Hamilton系统与辛拓扑(resurgence theory) 博士生方向课
2016.03-2016.07 Lie群 讨论班
2016.03-2016.07 复代数几何 讨论班
2015.09-2016.01Resurgence Theory 研究生讨论班
2015.09-2016.01Hamilton-Jacobi方程与粘性解 研究生讨论班
2015.09-2016.01黎曼曲面 研究生方向课
2015.09-2016.01解析几何 本科生
2015.03-2015.07 天体力学 研究生讨论班
2015.03-2015.07 Morse理论 研究生方向课
2015.03-2015.07 辛几何与数学物理 研究生讨论班
2014.09-2015.01 解析几何 本科生
2014.09-2015.01 辛几何与数学物理 研究生讨论班
2014.09-2015.01 辛几何与辛拓扑 研究生方向课
2014.09-2015.01 天体力学 研究生讨论班
2014.03-2014.06 Hamilton系统与辛几何 研究生
2014.03-2014.06 经典力学中的数学方法(Arnold GTM60) 研究生
2014.03-2014.06 天体力学 研究生
2014.03-2014.06 辛几何与数学物理(BV formalism) 工作讨论班
2013.09-2014.01 泛函分析 研究生基础课
2013.09-2014.01 辛几何与辛拓扑 研究生
2013.09-2014.01 天体力学 研究生讨论班
2013.09-2014.01 数学物理 工作讨论班
2013.03-2013.07 数学物理 工作讨论班
2013.03-2013.07 Fukaya范畴和辛拓扑 研究生
2013.02-2013.06 微分几何 数学学院11级
2012.09-2013.01 泛函分析 研究生基础课
2012.09-2013.01 Gromov-Witten理论和可积系统 研究生讨论班
2012.09-2013.01 Laplace算子的谱理论 研究生讨论班
2012.09-2013.01 Fukaya范畴和辛拓扑 研究生讨论班
2012.09-2013.01 数学物理 工作讨论班
2012.03-2012.06 微分几何 成人教育10级
2012.03-2012.06 辛几何与辛拓扑 研究生
2012.03-2012.06 Gromov-Witten理论和可积系统 研究生
2012.03-2012.06 Laplace算子的谱理论 研究生
2011.09-2012.01 微分几何 数学学院09级
2011.09-2012.01 Gromov-Witten理论和可积系统 研究生
2011.09-2012.01 辛不变量和Hamilton系统 研究生
2011.03-2011.06 辛几何与辛拓扑 研究生
2011.03-2011.06 Gromov-Witten理论与可积系统 研究生
2011.03-2011.06 Morse-Witten理论 研究生
2011.03-2011.06 黎曼流形上的Laplacian 研究生
2010.09-2011.01 Gromov-Witten理论和可积系统 研究生
2010.09-2011.01 微分几何 数学学院08级
2009.02-2009.07 拓扑学引论 数学学院06级
2008.09-2009.01 微分几何 数学学院06级
2007.10-2010.01 数学物理不定期讨论班(Gauge Theory and Geometric Langlands Program: Hitchin,Witten,Nakajima相关工作) 研究生
2007.09-2008.01 高等几何 数学学院07级
2007.09-2008.01 微分几何 成人教育05级
2006.02-2006.06 高等数学 生命科学学院06级
2004.09-2005.01 解析几何 数学学院04级



Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Capital Normal University, Beijing and graduate from Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin. My research interests lie at the crossroads of mathematics and physics and I work on such topics as N-body problem in celestial mechanics, Fukaya category in symplectic topology, semiclassical trace formula and resurgence theory. More precisely, I am interested in • Symplectic Geometry and Symplectic Topology: symplectic reduction; Floer homologies and Fukaya categories, quiver varieties; cluster varieties; singularities • Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics: Maslov index; stability; central configurations; periodic orbits; Gutzwiller’s semiclassical trace formula • Mathematical Physics: higher structures (homotopical algebras) behind quantum mechanics and quantum field theory; semiclassical/deformation quantization; modularity; gauge theory • Resurgence Theory and Mould Calculus à la Écalle with applications in mathematics (BCH, MZV, modularity...) and quantum physics (wall-crossing, Ecalle-Voros exact WKB analysis, complex Chern-Simons theory...)